TrioTOP Combination Valves

TrioTOP Combination Valves

Robust & flexible combination valves designed for use with Nitrogen

Product Information

The regulator essentially combines a pressure regulator and a flow gauge regulator into a single hybrid unit. The specific flow points of the regulator cater to the HVAC industry, where it is common to use nitrogen for pressure testing, for purging, and also as a support gas for cleaner/better brazing – done by flowing a very low flow of nitrogen through the HVAC plumbing while brazing.

  • Robust and reliable design
  • The valve is designed according to the ISO 10297; ISO 22435 and CGA V-9
  • Designed for use with Nitrogen
  • TrioTOP supplies nitrogen gas in three operations – brazing, purging and pressure testing
  • Maximum working pressure of 3000 psi (207 bar)
  • Guard (ISO 11117)

3 Stages of applications

Pressure test

Adjustment band for pressure testing systems for 200 to 800 psi


Adjustment band for 20-50 CFH (145-200 psi) fully adjustable for small or large systems


Adjustment band for pressure testing adjustment band for 3-6 CFH (40-95 psi) fully adjustable for small or large systems

TrioTOP Combination Valves

Want to learn more about the TrioTOP Combination Valves, download the data sheet here.

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